Butler Pro licenses, what you should know

Link to the licenses available for purchase on Gumroad

License specifications
Depending on the license(s) you will purchase, you will be subject to grants and limitations. For example, with the purchase of a “Desktop & Web (Standard) License”, you are granted the use of the font software for, let’s say, your client’s branding, website and print (as long as it respects the terms and limitations of the license), but you are forbidden to use the font software for the production of visuals in a television series of that same client. You would need to purchase a “Broadcast License” for that second scenario.

Amount limitations
Please note that all licenses are subject to limitations, including but not limited to specified numbers of: end users; website unique visitors; products; workstations, titles. You are required to maintain records with respect to your use of the font software against such licensed amounts. If there is a suspected breach in the license agreements and limitations, the author reserves the right to ask you, from time to time, to provide information regarding such amounts and/or to fully document and certify that use of any and all font software at the time of the request is in conformity with your valid licenses from the author, which you must provide to the author within thirty (30) days of his request. In the event your use of the font software exceeds your licensed amounts, you agree to license from the author the necessary additional amounts and pay any fee associated with such increase in usage.

Increasing the limitations
Except for the “Demo License”, the other licenses can be purchased multiple times to widen incrementally the limitations of end users, website unique visitors, products, impressions, workstations, or titles. For example, if your agency has 28 employees who will need to use the font software on their workstations for, let’s say, graphic design and branding for clients. You will need to either purchase 6 times the “Desktop & Web (Standard) License” (28 workstations does not exceed the 6*5 workstations limitation) or purchase the “Desktop & Web (Extended) License” which covers the installation of the font software on up to 50 workstations.

Simplified summary of each license type

Desktop & Web (Standard) License
Allows the creation of graphic design and/or websites design works. The font software can be installed on up to 5 workstations, and used on up to 3 websites as long as the number of unique visitors per individual website doesn’t exceed 50,000/month.

Desktop & Web (Extended) License
Allows the creation of graphic design and/or websites design works. The font software can be installed on up to 50 workstations, and used on up to 30 websites as long as the number of unique visitors per individual website doesn’t exceed 500,000/month.

Publishing License
Allows the creation of printed or electronic commercial documents publications such as books, digital magazines, periodicals. The use of the font software is granted for a maximum of 1 title or series of publications bearing the same root name (e.g. “Hubert the Robot” as well as “Hubert the Robot (June edition)” or “Hubert the Robot 2 – Revenge”).

Digital Ad License
Allows the creation of digital advertisements (image, text, animation, video) and banners. The font software can be used in digital marketing communications reaching up to 1,000,000 impressions/month.

Merchandise License
Allows the production of physical items such as apparel, mugs, furniture, accessories, and other tangible goods. Unlicensed third-parties are not authorized to product their own merchandise (Software-as-a-Service use forbidden). Please see the “Server License” option for Software-as-a-Service use.

Broadcast License
Allows the production of visuals, designs or texts for works recognized as one “Title”, such as a films, series, documentaries, music videos, vlogs, video channels, interactive works. The use of the font software is granted for a maximum of 1 title or series of publications bearing the same root name (e.g. “Hubert the Robot” as well as “Hubert the Robot (director’s cut)” or “Hubert the Robot 2 – Revenge”)

App License
Allows the production of designs and texts for a single desktop, mobile or cloud-based application, digital game and other software (and any derivative software bearing the same root name, e.g. “EmailProvider” as well as “EmailProvider Lite” or “EmailProvider DEMO”), as long as the Font Software is not used as a “Software as a Service”.

Server License
Allows the use of the font software as a “Software as a Service”, with editable templates and live on-the-fly text editing for unlicensed third parties such as clients creating their own business cards, wedding invitations, and similar goods.

Free Demo (Bold weights only) License
Allows the creation of graphic design and/or websites design works. The font software “Bold” weights can be installed on up to 5 workstations, and used on up to 3 websites as long as the number of unique visitors per individual website doesn’t exceed 50,000/month. These limitations are non cumulative for the “Demo License”. If you wish to go beyond these limitations, adequate licenses must be purchased.

Do you need more information, or custom licenses?

If you are still unsure whether a specific license will cover your requirements, or if you need a custom license tailored to fit your needs, please send me an email me at: contact@fabiandesmet.com
I will try to answer your request as soon as I can.